LCD Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller

LCD Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller
Diagram Interface
Interfacing diagram is to interface 16x2 LCD with PIC Microcontroller. The data bus of LCD is connected to Port B of PIC. Enable terminal is connected to RC0 and the RS terminal is connected to RC1. The R/W terminal is connected to ground.

The embedded C program to display a string on both rows of LCD is given. The string will be displayed as shown below:
16X2 LCD

Program to display a string on LCD

/* Program to display a string on LCD */
#include <p18f4550.h>
#define LCD_EN PORTCbits.RC1   // RC1 is used as enable pin
#define LCD_RS PORTCbits.RC0   // RC0 is used as register select pin

// Delay Function
void delay()
    unsigned int i;
    {  }

// Global Declaration of strings
unsigned char string1[]={'F','I','R','S','T'};
unsigned char string2[]={'L','A','S','T'};

// Command Function
void SendCommand(unsigned char command)
     LCD_RS = 0;  // RS=0
     LCD_EN = 1;   // EN=1
    PORTB = command;   // Command is placed on data bus
    LCD_EN = 0;  // EN=0

// Data Function
void SendData(unsigned char lcddata)
    LCD_RS = 1;    // RS=0
    LCD_EN = 1;    // EN=1
    PORTB = lcddata;   // Data is placed on data bus
    LCD_EN = 0;   // EN=0

// Main function
void main()
    unsigned char Key,j,p,P;
    TRISB = 0x00;                           //LCD pins as output
    TRISCbits.RC0=0;                 // enable and RS pin of LCD as output
      // Initialize LCD
         P=0X38;                 // LCD COMMAND
         SendCommand(P);   // Called command function
         P=0X0E;                 // LCD COMMAND
         P=0X01;                  // LCD COMMAND
     while(1)                           //Forever loop
          P=0X80;                    // LCD COMMAND to display on first line
     // loop till j is equal to no. of characters in string 1
         for (j=0;j<5  ;j++)
             p=string1[j];          // get character from string
            SendData(p);          // send to display on LCD
        P=0XC0;            // LCD COMMAND to display on SECOND LINE
// loop till j is equal to no. of characters in string 2
               for (j=0;j< 4 ;j++)
             p=string2[j];                 // get character from string
            SendData(p);                 // send to display on LCD
                delay( );
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